Welcome aboard!

Autumn 2010, two Japanese Manga artists, Chie Kutsuwada and Inko decided to start personification of tube stations in London.

Here in GoGo Metro!, you might have a chance to meet your local station in person...?!

Check out who they are and what they're up to!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Blackfriars is here!

A quite observer, Blackfirars is not a bling-bling existence.
There is always floating feeling around him.

He is shy, sometimes even shut himself from any social circle... even years.
But hey, he's getting better talking to other stations, and he wants to take part of Waterloo & City line and failed..
But hey, he is still  trying to be close friends to Waterloo and Bank, though so quit and slow they hardly notice...
But hey!

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