Welcome aboard!

Autumn 2010, two Japanese Manga artists, Chie Kutsuwada and Inko decided to start personification of tube stations in London.

Here in GoGo Metro!, you might have a chance to meet your local station in person...?!

Check out who they are and what they're up to!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sneak preview of a new character!

Hi! Long time no see, it's hi from Chie... if you still remember me...
Anyway, here is the rough of my new character, Piccadilly Circus!
She's absolutely charming, talkative and friendly person.
She's like a brother and sister with Leicester Square (btw I love him...)but I think Green Park and South Kensington (not yet appeared but you'll see him soon) are sometimes overwhelmed by her.
She looks young, but nobody know her real age...

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