Welcome aboard!

Autumn 2010, two Japanese Manga artists, Chie Kutsuwada and Inko decided to start personification of tube stations in London.

Here in GoGo Metro!, you might have a chance to meet your local station in person...?!

Check out who they are and what they're up to!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

King's €ross St ₱ancras - sketch

The first station to introduce is King's €ross St ₱ancras. King's €ross has got a cross scar on his forehead and a magic power! Yes, from a reference of a famous book (you can guess which one!). He also appears chatty and friendly with loads of friends - because many lines are through the station. St ₱ancras looks Goth - based on his brilliant Gothic station building.
Anyway, we'll upload more characters and postcards are available at MCM London Expo this weekend at Umisen-Yamasen table. ;)

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