Welcome aboard!

Autumn 2010, two Japanese Manga artists, Chie Kutsuwada and Inko decided to start personification of tube stations in London.

Here in GoGo Metro!, you might have a chance to meet your local station in person...?!

Check out who they are and what they're up to!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A new webcomic has been departed!

Hey guys!
Leicester Sq. is here!
I'd like to introduce manga artist Inko's new webcomic : 'Go! Go! Metro Lines!' 
Which is a personification of London Tube lines, such as Northern or Piccadilly as you can see them on this pic!
Why 3 of us in the pic?
Ha ha because I'm an interchange station of those guys!

Anyway in summer heat, please take your drink with you on your tube journey!
And of cause, enjoy the comic! ^^